Hopefully soon, it will start cooling off and we can change gears and get something done, like finishing that book we’ve been working on and getting it ready for some other people to read! The question about your book is, does it have value? Would other people benefit from reading it; would they want to read it?

You’ve been thinking about it for a long time, so you’re the one who knows about the value of that book. A publisher you may talk to has many books and statistics on his mind and how your book lines up with all of those. But you live in your world and you see what goes on around you and what people do and what they would benefit from.

The title of your book gets the point across to them, so does the sub-title; and the cover design gives them even more of a feel for the point of your book.

You are the one who knows the value of your book. Don’t give up on it easily. You lived the situation and came up with the answers and are better off because of them. Now have that book edited so it reads well, have it well designed, printed and bound so there’s value all around it and your reader knows it matters. And then put it out there so they can find it!

If you’ve had all that work done, the profit is all yours. Just keep on! That’s how this works. The ideas were yours; you wrote them well and followed through! Good for you!! And the books that follow this one will follow the same pattern and your readers will be waiting for them!

Hope you and your family have a GREAT FALL!!!