Brrrr, well our cold season is finally here again! We love the fact that we have seasons here. It’s always nice to get a break from the passing season and into something new!

A bit of explanation to help you know more about how some of this works. Self-publishing, like we do here; you have taken charge of your book and its success because you believe in it and you own everything. Self-publishing does not mean you do everything yourself. If you do the page layout, most printers will not take the job because it takes them too much time to fix the problems. Or the printer will charge you for the time they know they will spend to force this job to print, which can be extensive. Printers work with equipment that works in certain ways; what you give them needs to print well – some things do not print well at all. So, to help with that, are companies like ours who have spent years working with printers, so we are connected with those companies and your printing will definitely cost less and your book will be well designed. Everything we do is custom. We also give you great information about promoting your books for sale. There is no magic about that no matter how you publish; it is people telling people about your book and you start the ball rolling! As the books sell, all the profit is yours!

The other way to publish is with traditional publishing. To work with them, you look for an agent who will tell their company about you and see if they are interested in buying your book and investing in it. They would do all that because they believe it will profit them. Logical! They use statistics to decide about your book. They often care how many friends and followers on social media you have because those connections help them sell books. Since they have invested in it, they will design it like they want, and you will get royalties after the bills are paid. They would also typically own the book; they have bought it from you.

Lastly, there are companies who have positioned themselves to capture the publishing market that falls through the cracks. They often do it for much less because mainly they are automated and your choices are limited. Some of them also ask you to sign an exclusive relationship form with them. The pages often fall however they fall instead of being designed, so the book is harder to navigate. They didn’t have the reader in mind; just turning the job out! The cover choices is often limited and sometimes not very relevant to your book. This is often the cheapest way to publish for obvious reasons!

Enjoy the winter, and stay warm!!!